Thursday, June 15, 2006

"We should have the maturity to realize that everyone- not just us- deserves to be safe from terrorism. We should understand that our proclaimed innocence is offensive if we do not recognize that most of humanity- including those within our borders- live with this tireless source of pain and anxiety everyday. We should develop the capacity to imagine what this world must feel like for individuals, communities, entire cultures who witness our apathy and our complicity. And we should fight with the millions of people across the world who deserve justice."

- Harsha Walia
Responding to the Toronto Terror Arrests


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always been intrigued at how the word « terrorism » has been manipulated to instil, paradoxically, terror into our deepest selves, especially since the 11th. September 2001. I would have thought that it was obvious as to who the real terrorists are, those who are killing innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, torturing other innocents in places like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib; those who have the power to gleefully turn their weapons against whole families as in Haditha and Basra and Fallujah; those who dropped the two dreadful bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the list goes on and on.

It has been estimated that more than two hundred million people were killed in wars during the 20th. century, wars that were largely instigated by the all-powerful State.

And isn’t war the highest form of terrorism?

What a strange world we live in where the wolves execute their nefarious crimes with impunity, and then accuse the lambs of being the terrorists, and get away with it.

And we sit on the sidelines watching, without a clue as to what’s really going on.

3:29 AM  
Blogger burgers and durians said...

Well said, well said.

Makes me think of that image of a Palestinian child throwing a rock at an Israeli tanker.

There's violence, and then there's power.

5:04 PM  

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