Thursday, November 16, 2006

individual trails

This was inspired by a spam email i got from “Tony” with the following subject heading: “You’re an individual trails, sifting and said, in hostage”.

You’re an individual trails
sifting and said

in hostage

You’re one of a kind
making your mark
clearing your path
doing what’s right
for you

your individual trail

Your own way in life
your life, your property
your decisions, your consequences
even if you have nothing else
like nina

ain’t got no…, but ah got life

You could be a princepauperartistsnobconsumercapitalistracistsexisthomophobicageistableistfathatingethnicdesiapnabitchcuntmissuslildarlinmamaselloutliberalsilentradicalrevolutionary
every trail don’t start
at the same time and space
every trail don’t end
in the same location
you could be fallenpickedupviolentlovingfree
this is

your individual trail

You make your way
with sickle, with fire
with bare hands, with stomping feet
running, crawling, on a horse, in a 1980s Volkswagen convertible
doesn’t matter, it’s yours

this individual trail

Then sometimes you go back
change your mind, find new paths
change direction
make new ones

your individual trails

You are a grain of sand
sifting through time
saying your piece
voicing your hopesfearsdreamsdilemmasworriesfrustrationslovesdespairslaughtergoodbyes
and maybe someone will notice

and your trails

But your trails
they hold you hostage
they give you memory


You are beholden
to them

You are an individual trails, sifting and said, in hostage.


Blogger been said...

great poem, and i love that it was inspired by a spam email!

10:17 AM  
Blogger rabfish said...

this is really beautiful.

your trails--yours--your freedom to making changing choices--but they give you memory--yes!!!

favourite stanza:

You are a grain of sand
sifting through time
saying your piece
voicing your hopesfearsdreamsdilemmasworriesfrustrationslovesdespairslaughtergoodbyes
and maybe someone will notice
and your trails

11:57 AM  
Blogger burgers and durians said...

aw, shucks, you guys are too kind. this was one of those procrastinatory verbal doodlings...glad ya'll liked it though.

and yeah, there's some pretty whacked out combinations of words that show up as spam nowadays.

this particular one really got to me for some reason, probably because i read themes of memory, community, migratory rootlessness, self-assertion etc into it.

my sister thinks i'm too sensitive. she's probably right. ;P

10:31 PM  

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