Friday, May 25, 2007


Sometimes democracy works like magic!
Party in power can tally
election results to victory!
Judges can stop vote counts making election mockery!
Citizen’s welfare takes back sit for
Military priority!
Truth becomes powerless conspiracy!
Conspirators run Government with legitimacy!
Mighty power invades foreign countries for democracy!
Installs dictatorships as convenient allies!
Revolution against occupation becomes insurgency!

Protests for democracy are silenced as militancy!

by Deepak Sarkar

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


"I am SICK of lame reasoning, faulty logic and threats that my country is going to collapse under the Muslim threat, the Opposition Party threat, the poverty threat and the Inefficiency threat. How about the threat from ineffectual, self-interesed, and not very bright politicians who do not show tangible results in spite of being lauded as the best damn brains our paltry population has to offer?"

From: The Art of Dumbspeak

Oh great

I changed my template and lost all my links. Lovely.

And only realize it 15 hours later cos I did the template-change on the sly at work. And was blogging on the sly at work cos the home computer is the most popular piece of technology in the house with up to 5 people vying for it at one time. I think it's about time to get my own piece of metal.

Links will be back up soon. She says, mostly to herself and a host of random people who've googled 'bimbo' and found her thanks to one regretful post.
Welcome to the club, France.