Saturday, February 18, 2006

what to say?

Sometimes it seems so trivial to blog about my life when there is so much shit happening in the world. Is this it? Is the US gonna invade Iran, attack their nuclear facilities, and start a nuclear war or at least cause enough damage to the Middle East in a Hiroshima/Nagasaki sequel with 3 times the special effects and made for comfortable reality tv viewing pleasure?

I really need to stop reading the newspaper, or at least stop taking it so seriously. I don't know why i can now read the Canadian newspapers with such detachment, but still feel so invested in the alarmist language and skewed, mostly conservative, perspectives expressed in the Singapore papers.

Talking about which, i had a huge argument about politics with my dad this morning. We mostly ran words around in can he so strongly believe everything that the government and the newspaper tell him? Either that or he's simply defeatist about the possibility of change.

How can i be so patient and non-judgemental with other folks i don't agree with, questioning their ideas so calmly, but get so hysterically wrapped up in 16-year-old-style "you don't understand anything!" rebellion with family. How do we find the right ways to change the fucked-up-ness of the ways we are, the roles we take on and how we love and hate?


Blogger rabfish said...

reading the paper = no fun, oh shit-edness, outrage, bloody hell, suckered in by sales, why am i reading this?

talking to dad about politics = no fun, i'm glad you're not a million feet taller than me now, how can you be so ignorant of being ignorant? what do i do with this? get me away from here implosion-explosion.

thanks for the post.

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Choose you battles.

Sure, radicals are by their natures at war will all around them, but fights in the home create a very poisonous environment. Even radicals need to be able to sit around in comfort some times. Just shake your head, go to a yahoo chatroom, and taunt some American Republicrats! To quote Martha Stewart, “It’s a good thing”. lol

5:28 AM  

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